Spill it! Social Media Scheduling Secrets
For some one us the integration into the social media world, was easy like sunday morning. We grew up with the social platforms therefore becoming virtual experts in the blink of an eye. However, for some others, social media seems daunting, mystic and hard to navigate. I can identify with that. It becomes more and more time consuming to gain a presence on the interwebs and advertise your brand or business.
However, there are tools you can use to enhance the way in which you represent your brand online. Tools that should make it easier and less time consuming for you to use social media.
Firstly, a social media scheduling calendar is going to be your new best friend. If you haven’t heard of or used one, then just thank me later, because it is worth every dollar. I personally used Planoly.
Planoly lets you manage, plan, and schedule your Instagram posts from your computer and mobile phones. It allows you the flexibility to create a cohesive Instagram feed and manage multiple accounts all from one platform.
Here’s how we recommend using this tool
Create unique content posts (photos, infographics, quotes)
Download them all unto your computer in one file
Upload them all unto your Planoly platform
Drag and Drop the images until you have create at least 30 posts (1 per day minimum)
You can use the Planoly time suggestions to schedule your posts
Select Post Automatically to take away the burden of having to post it manually
Sit back and watch your social platform automate like a Social Media Boss!